For many years, people have just applied pressure and used gauze or a trauma dressing or even clothing to try and stop or slow down bleeding. Many people have also used superglue or Cayenne to stop bleeding and close a wound.
The negatives of using those products are that they are toxic, do not disinfect, and are not FDA approved for first aid procedures. They can also seal in an infection.
Now there is a new product called WoundSeal that is taking the world by storm to stop bleeding. It is the most effective product in stopping bleeding. It’s a hydrophilic polymer with potassium ferrate that when applied with pressure stops bleeding and disinfects bleeding. There needs to blood present for it to work. It reacts with the blood to stop the bleeding. The more blood the better.
How to Use WoundSeal
Pour enough powder to cover the wound and then apply the pressure until it stops bleeding. It creates a scab that is waterproof after 3 hours! The WoundSeal is non-toxic and can be used on children and animals. It’s hypoallergenic and there have never been any reported allergic reactions. It is clinically proven to heal 70% more effective than stitches, sutures, or staples.
It allows the body to heal properly from the inside out closing up the wound and minimize scar tissue. Whereas stitches and other methods force the closure of the wound from the outside in.
It is proven to stop bleeding for those who are hemophiliacs or on blood thinners. They usually have a hard time clotting by themselves and therefore they usually visit the E.R. It can also be used to stop bad nose bleeds, cuts around the eyes, etc. For companies, it’s considered an exempt class 1 device by the FDA which means it’s a non-recordable injury with OSHA therefore it’s a non-workers compensation claim.
This product can save families and businesses thousands. Many companies have eliminated numerous claims because of this product. It has saved my family from 3 trips to the E.R. from bleeding head wounds and one from a very serious nose bleed! We even used it for a tooth he lost while eating and we couldn’t stop the bleeding until we applied the WoundSeal.
I will forever use WoundSeal.